Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I don't know why, but recently I've been thinking about how precious life is and how in one second, everything can be changed forever. For me, that is so scary to think about. It causes me to be a worry wart, especially in crazy weather like tonight.

In the news there was a story about 4 college girls that were in a car accident, killing all four. Just think about that. Those were someone's daughters, maybe someone's sisters, friends, cousins, granddaughter...& BAM. Gone. Not for the week...but forever.

Now, I don't want to make it sound like I'm afraid of dying & as a Christian, I like to believe that I am going to Heaven, and from what I believe, it's perfect there. (I'm hoping for a couple malls....ice cream shops...and money trees) But the unknown is always scary.

For the past two weeks, I noticed that the girl that usually sits by me in class was gone. Today, she came back and the background of her computer was of the four girls killed in the accident with a big red heart, written inside was "Best Friends Forever". I couldn't help, but let my mind wonder when I saw that. That could have been my face, or even yours. That also could have been you or I putting someone we loved as our background, while our hearts were left aching & our lives forever being changed as well.That morning I had been thinking about how stressed I was and how I couldn't wait for the weekend, but what never crossed my mind was....what if the weekend never came?

Life is precious. Tim Mcgraw said it perfectly, "live like you're dying." But for me, it's not always that easy. I can't just hop on a plane to Africa tomorrow, because while living like I'm dying, I have to plan for the possible future. But that doesn't mean, I can't smile at the people passing by, I can't hold the door for the UPS guy carrying a bunch of boxes, it doesn't mean I can't send random letters to friends and texts to families reminding them how much they mean to me.

Life is bittersweet. Take advantage of every moment and don't forget to smile & enjoy the little things. When it comes to the end, you might not regret the missed tripped to Florida as much as you would, the missed hug from a loved one.

If you're reading this, thank you. Now go show someone that you care. & don't forget to count your blessings along this mysterious adventure we call life.

& in memory of one of my heroes, Mr. Hogan....CARPE DIEM----SEIZE THE DAY.

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