Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stop comparing. You are BEAUTIFUL!

How much do you weigh? Now pause. How did you react? This question is highly avoided. It's a number that most women subtract from, while some men add to, to seem "more masculine." Isn't it funny how everyone is labeled and put into categories based on looks alone. "did you see that girl with all that acne?" or "look at that red head." Before ever speaking, we as humans, pass judgement and I am not innocent myself.

Last week, in one of my classes, the girl I sit by said she was feeling very light headed and sick. So, today when we sat down I asked her how she was feeling. "Oh, it was just these new diet pills I'm on, I didn't eat with them because I didn't realize you had to." It instantly made me sad. & here I was eating a cookie. This beautiful girl is already tiny, yet she sees somebody else in the mirror. Who do you see in the mirror? There is a website that I really love and it's called you should visit it.

Also, today on the news, a mom who is in the hospital after losing her legs while protecting her kids from a tornado talked about beauty. Before this she had cared more about her hair and clothes than taking the time to enjoy the simple things like family time and interacting with her children. After going through this, she realized what was important. That made me think.

 Yesterday, I had to go to a meeting and didn't feel like putting on make-up. To be honest, I walked in a little anxious about my looks and the first thing the girl next to me said was "you have really pretty eyes." That was so powerful and an "ah huh" moment. What an amazing compliment. Here I was thinking about the pimple on my chin, when this girl proved to me, I was only focused on the negatives. Which leads me to say, never hesitate to give a compliment. In today's world, insecurity is everywhere and that one positive can change someone's day or maybe even life. Sometimes we need that push to prove to ourselves we are beautiful/handsome. I challenge you to give out 1 compliment a day. Why hide it? I find that making others happy, brings happiness to my life too. Think about it.

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