Thursday, March 22, 2012

Let's talk Love.

"Once upon a time..." & "They lived happily ever after." Two phrases that everyone relates to love. Sadly, these days the second phrase "they lived happily ever after" is changing to "and they lived kind of happy for a few months/years then got a divorce." Doesn't quite have the ring to it now does it?

Every day on Facebook there is someone "now in a relationship...or so and so is now single." 

A friend and I were talking and I said "well they aren't facebook official...." Then we started to laugh because what does that even mean? People say the three word phrase of "I love you" after 2 weeks of dating now a days.....Something that is supposed to be so special.

I have been absolutely blessed with inspiring role models in my life. My mom's parents have been married almost 60 years and my dad's parents will be celebrating their 50th anniversary this summer. My parents also will be married 26 years this year! My aunts and uncles also follow the trend, most being married 20 plus years.When I think about comforts me. It shows that it's possible. No, I didn't say easy. I said possible. Love can last.

Everyone has a purpose. If everything went perfect, the world would be boring. Being in love means being patient, learning from arguments, being honest with each other, leaning on eachother when things get rough, giving each other space when space is needed, and teaching eachother to laugh along the way.

One of my favorite movies is "The Notebook" and what Noah says is perfect:

"It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day."

Not only is it beautiful because Ryan Goseling says it....but because it's what true love entails & who doesn't want to hear those words. Just think, 50 years...... FIFTY. With the same person. & the best part is, my grandpa still makes my grandma laugh & holds the door for her. Just think of everything that happens in fifty years....and then think about going through it with your best friend.

Everyone of you reading this, is already a Cinderella/Prince and I have faith that your story will end: "And they lived happily ever after."  

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written as always Steph! You're right, there is no perfect relationship, we all would like to believe that we have it, but in reality, nothing is perfect and you have to work and fight for the things you really love. There will always be ups and downs and I bet if you ask anyone, especially your grandparents, how many ups and downs they've had in 50+ years, there will probably be more ups than downs in that many years, but that's what makes the journey worth it. :)
