Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Today I over heard a girl talking about how she wants to switch majors (her's is education) because she's never going to get paid enough and her time will be wasted. Personally, I think that if that is the attitude she is going in with...she should switch. Being a teacher isn't about the pay or the "benefits". It's about the love for children. It's about going to class with a positive attitude, to shape children's future and see them grow. I do find myself thinking...man, I'm gonna have to marry rich to survive, but then I remember that life isn't all about money, but more importantly about doing what makes you happy. I have numerous projects from elementary school that say "When I grow up...I want to be a teacher." Now I can say, I'm conquering a dream.

Which brings me to my next point. If it wasn't for God giving us different hobbies, interests, and abilities the world would be a boring place. People say..."ah, I don't know how you want to be a teacher..." well I could say "ah, how can you want to work in an office every day." Thank God we all have different views. Imagine if no one wanted to be a doctor, or if only one person had an interest in engineering. The world would stop functioning correctly.

Being different and unique is important. Don't try to fit in with the crowd, do what makes YOU happy, you never know where it will take you until you try. I strongly believe that the happiest people don't have loads of money (although, who wouldn't be happy winning the lottery)...the happiest people are doing things that make them feel like they are making a difference and doing what they love each day--whether it be painting, listening, fixing trucks, reading books. Being low on cash inspires people to be creative, to be resourceful, and to truly appreciate everything that they have. Think about what you are good at, and use it. It's special and not everyone can do it. The world will thank you.

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