Saturday, February 11, 2012

Home Sweet Home

    After a busy week of college life, there is no feeling quite like the one, knowing you are going home for the weekend. I never really realized how good I had it. The moment I walk in, my cat is there to greet me, there is some sort of treat on the counter, and usually the smell of supper cooking. Not to mention, that when I take a shower... I don't have to wear flip flops!

     Speaking of unique about the feeling of "growing up." First you go through high school counting down the days until you move away, and once you get count the days until you get to go home. Grass is always greener.... One of the smallest things that I missed about home, was knowing everyone. My friend from college was driving me home one weekend, and when we got into alma center she said to me "how do you know every person that is driving passed us?" That was something that I would have never noticed, but I instantly smiled. It's just something only the people from Alma Center can understand. I love that small town feel. Comfort.

Don't get me wrong, I've met a lot of great people! College is fun & I'm right where I'm supposed to be. Where I grew up will just always give me that special feeling...something we all miss from time to time. A little girl at the preschool (where I work) was sitting in the corner with her head in her hands & when I walked up to her I noticed she was crying. I immeditely said "what's wrong sweetie?" she looked up and said "I just miss my mom." Now, a lot of the time the kids are crying over things that I know are "silly" but this really touched my heart. I knelt down by her and said "I know just how you feel. I miss my mom sometimes too." Right then, a little girl came up and said "Come on, let's go play."

Sometimes all you need is a good cry and an understanding friend.

-Stephanie Katerine


  1. I was so excited when Shannon told me that you had posted another journal entry! And that feeling you get about going home? Described perfectly.
