Thursday, February 9, 2012

One day at a time. 2/9/2012

     This past month I was introduced to Pinterest. Shocker right? It seems that everyone under the sun has discovered the fabulous site! Well anyways, before I knew it 5 hours passed by and soon I had a board full of pins that I found so exciting and there sat my homework. One of those pins, was a new hair style that I was dying to try out. It came from a women's blog where she talked about her fashion, life, and funny stories. I was so inspired. Kind of like sharing parts of your diary with others. Long story short, here I am.

      When I had to think of something to name my blog, I froze. I wanted something "catchy" but not "cheesy," something "unique" but not "weird." Then I started doubting myself thinking, well what if I am boring...If I'm not "good" at it. Then I found myself taking a deep breath and remembered how much I had enjoyed the woman's blog about her new hair style, and how it had brought joy to my day (plus I'm always up for a new hair idea). Which is why I came up with Deep Breath. Happy Thoughts. Simply meaning, everyone, including myself, forgets to step back, and enjoy.

& like a wise teacher once told me- "Carpe Diem--Seize the day."

     I love the saying "Not everyday is good, but there is something good in everyday," and that's exactly my goal for this blog. It'll be a way for me not just to go through the motions of everyday, but to really think about the "good" and of course sometimes the "bad" and reflect what that day taught me, and hopefully I can open your eyes along the way too.

    So for tomorrow keep in mind, Deep Breath. Happy Thoughts. . .  ENJOY.

-Stephanie Katherine

"Let your hope make you glad, Be patient in time of trouble, and never stop praying"
Romans 12:12


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