Sunday, February 19, 2012

Someone's trash is another's treasure.

After signing a lease for an apartment for next fall, all my mind can think about on it's spare time (and not so spare time) is how I want to decorate! I have always imagined my very own apartment. Somewhere I can express myself and invite people to share with. The funny thing is, I'm a college student and I can hardly afford tuition. A few summers ago my friend and I decided we wanted to go "antiquing" and because of the fun treasures we found, it has now become a tradition. The first time I found a huge, old, turquoise trunk that now is my "memory trunk" and sits at the end of my bed. The next adventure, I found an old window that now hangs above my dresser. Now whenever I see any "we sell antiques here" signs I smile. It wasn't just about the treasures my friend and I found on this trip, it was seeing the history and making memories ourselves.

This past weekend I was at Saver's--a second hand store that never disappoints me. I've never paid more then $8 for anything there and I've bought anything from a vase to a dresser. I LOVE IT. This weekend I found myself a new pair of bright red flats--$3. I learned from my mom...never buy anything unless it's on sale and now, anything over $15 is way too much, but that's okay because I love the search. Thanks Mom.

When I was trying on the cute flats I over heard a mom and her son--I would guess he was about 12 years old.
     "Mom, why did someone want to get rid of such an awesome pair of snow pants?" This caught my attention and I immediately looked up and a man next to me was also smiling. I thought to myself...exactly. Perhaps the person giving them away had grown out of them, or gotten a new pair for Christmas, but now this boy had found a treasure. A miny February Christmas. All for probably $4.

It's the simple things in life.

That's my favorite thing about second-hand stores or even garage sales. You never know what you are going to find, but some one's trash has now become your treasure. How wonderful? We can give away things we now see as trash & make it some one's treasure. I guess that goes for a lot of last week for example, I was dumping out some old hot dish and my friend said "wait, are you really going to throw that away?" Immediately I felt greedy for throwing away something that was perfectly good, but it was taking up too much room in my fridge, "I'll take it." she said. Even something as simple as food, can be a treasure. Or how about ex lovers. Come on ladies...don't act like you don't know. Someone you found to be very annoying and over protective can end up being some one's prince charming because they find the characteristics delightful that you had found to be "deal breakers." To each their own, I always say.

Now, some people may walk into savers and not have the patience to dig, or think it smells funny, or maybe they just want non-used items. It really depends on the person. I'm a born-to-be shopper and recent crafter. I like making old into new & putting my "own touches" into the end product. Plus, I find it kind of exciting to know it's been other places.

All I'm sure of, is that the trash you're hoarding or willingly giving away, is waiting to be some one's treasure. So, don't be never know what you'll find in return. As for me, I'm going to literally be "walking in someone else's shoes." Cool.

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