Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Don't judge a book by it's cover.

I like to think of myself as a very non-judgemental person, but today that thought was put to test.

The saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover"...is simply saying..."Don't judge a person by their appearance because there is a whole lot to get to know on the inside." So, today. I'm in this packaging class with like 9 billion people, it's a huge lecture hall. Gives me a panic attack just walkin in. Well anyways, we were put into group for our final project and today we found out who the group members were. Well, let me back up....The teacher had set up signs around the room of the group number/members and she told us to all march around like zoo animals until we found the right place. Sounds like a fun activity at 10 on a Tuesday, right? Wrong. Guess who was the last zoo animal to find their spot? ME. Everyone had found their name and here I was going around to each one, one more time to see if I saw my last name. Here I am, turning beat red and feeling eyes stare.

Once I get to my seat, my head down in embarrassment..I look up to see this girl in dread locks, looking like she hadn't slept in days; this guy that hasn't showered in 2 weeks, and a boy that was definitely a freshmen...and definitely couldn't speak 3 words in English. Now Stop. Think of what I just said....How Judgemental of me!? Right away I thought, oh great....In another group where I will have to do all of the work again.

Fast forward a few minutes....and these people are spitting out answers, organizing meeting times, and giving great ideas! Here I was...the girl that couldn't even read her own name on a sheet, judging them by their appearance alone. Assuming each of their personalities based on what I saw on the surfice.

I hope that the next time I'm faced with this test, or you are in a similiar situation, we remember every book has a story to tell.

Stephanie Katherine

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