Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Christmas List

The joyful music, the lights & the contagious spirit...these are just a few of the things that make this time of year so magical.
I recently was looking back at some home videos where my mom sat my brother and I down in front of the tree to ask us what we wanted Santa to bring us. Granted I was five and my brother was seven, I wished for things like a puppy, an American Girl doll, and a pretend cash register. My brother asked for a football, a real Packer jersey, and a BB gun. I'd be lying if I said Christmas still brings that much excitement to me, but I'd also be lying if I said Christmas means any less today.
I believe that as we grow up, things change. Our thoughts, our beleifs, and our views all alter depending on our experiences.  This year when my mom asked me to make a Christmas list, I found myself struggling. Yes, there are a few things that would be nice to have, but do I really need them? Are the things I "need" really something my parents can just go out and buy in the stores, or Santa's elves can make in their workshop?
Yes, when I was five years-old, while wishing for material things, there were people struggling, people that were poor, and hospitals full of ill people...but as children we are so egocentric.
The bittersweet thing about growing up... we realize that this Jolly guy dressed in red can't logically fly around the world in one night, while checking off our Christmas list.
Therefore, our lists change, our views alter. As I grow up, I'm realizing that it's not the items I have that brings me my happiness.
This year my imaginary Christmas list would consist of:
1. Groceries for a year
2. My loans paid off
3. Good health
4. Family time/traditions
5. Happiness for all
6. Okay....a puppy.....
I want to make sure this year, that I don't get caught up on the materialistic part of Christmas. Sometimes I find myself sad after Christmas is over. Like something is lost or missing.
So, why can't we all carry this contagious, joyful, magical spirit through out the year? The friendly smiles, the small acts of kindness...if you haven't noticed, money can't buy you everything.
And if money could by us everything, would the value be the same?

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