Monday, December 17, 2012

The Riddle of Love

I read a funny quote the other day. It went like this: "You don't actually love a person unless you occasionally want to kill them."

Which made me start to wonder...

Why do we put such high expectations on those we love most? Why do we take out our problems on the ones we would never want to lose?

The answer could simply be that you start spending so much time with that person, that it's nearly impossible not to come across a situation you don't see eye-to-eye on. Or maybe we have such high expectations for that person because we would be willing to do that much for them.

I also read a quote that said "Love is spending the rest of your life with someone you want to kill, but not doing it because you'd miss them."

Maybe we have this image  of love in our minds due to the romantic movies, or the advertisements shown daily. In a Bible study I went to recently, the speaker talked about how in most movies, the ending is of the glamorous wedding. The movie skips right over the part where the wife gains 40 pounds and the husband loses his job.

 I guess I'm slowly learning that the part the movies skip over, is what defines love the most. Love means you're a team. Love means that no matter the circumstance, you are in it together. Love means that you don't have to worry about the other person giving up when things get hard.

I can think of a time, where I was yelling at my mom and she simply said "Wait, why are you taking your bad day out on me?"

 I didn't get it then, but it's so obvious now. It's like I was trying to make the world feel sorry for me, and the only way I found that possible, was to bring the people around me right down with me. Even though I was yelling, and even though I was not being easy to love, she looked passed my anger; she looked beyond my bad day....showing me love.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that when you love someone you can't expect everyday to be perfect. If you do, you're never going to be satisfied. You have to realize that there are going to be days that you want to "kill" that person. Yet, if it's true love, the good days will, by far, outweigh the bad. Plus, it's getting through those bad days together that creates the best love stories.

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