Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

I'll be honest...I've never been a huge fan of snow. Sure, it's pretty and Christmas wouldn't be the same without it...but I'd be perfectly happy getting an inch on Christmas Eve and then having it all disappear January 1st.

So, a couple days ago when the weather man came on TV saying to expect 3-8 inches of that white stuff, I wasn't very happy.

That is until Monday morning...

Sure, I spent Sunday looking out my window thinking...why.....why this early....now how am I going to get to class....now I have to scrape my car....now I have to shovel....now I have to leave earlier to get anywhere on time....

Without really realizing...I was focusing on all of the negative things.

Sunday night after being pumped about the Packers victory, I looked out the window watching the snow STILL falling...and felt my mood change. I really wasn't ready for winter.

Which brings me to Monday morning.

I woke up to this annoying sound... something was scraping against my wall. When I looked out my window I was reminded of that nasty cold stuff piled up everywhere, but the next image might have changed my outlook on that white stuff forever.

After looking beyond the snow, I noticed that the noise I was hearing, was of a nice old man shoveling a path from my steps to the sidewalk. Of course, this view warming my heart. I went on getting ready when I heard a noise coming from my steps....I ran to that side of the house and noticed the old man was now shoveling off my 15 billion steps.

The most beautiful thing about this, is that this man didn't have to do this. He didn't have to think of the girl that lives in the tan house. When I signed my lease I specifically remember it saying I was responsible for the sidewalk and steps outside of my house.

As if that wasn't enough....When I got home today, my steps were salted down and a little bucket sat there labeled "Salt for Ice".

Maybe snow isn't so bad...As I walked down my cleared steps, making my way through the thoughtful shoveled path, I also saw a man helping a women who had just slipped; I saw a girl taking a picture of the snow-covered trees. I also saw a family building a snowman.

Today at the Preschool, a little girl came up to me as I was helping another child make a snow angel. This little girl looked at me innocently and said, "Isn't there something magical about snow?"

I thought to myself... Yes, yes there is.

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