Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Must love dogs.

They say that a dog is a man's best friend. Which explains why losing one is like losing a family member. Three years ago in March, I had to put my Golden Retriever, Tucker down. I can honestly say, it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. He was a brother to me. And not a day goes by that I don't think about him. Especially when we have scraps left over after dinner, or when I walk in the door and he's not there to greet me. 

There's a joke that goes: put your wife and your dog in the trunk for an hour and see which one is happy to see you when you finally let them out. 

A dog is always there no matter what...when you are ugly, sad, happy, or mad. They go through every change, emotion, and day with you. Communicating with a dog is unlike anything else. They don't judge, they don't assume...they just listen and wag their tale. Yet, some how you know that they understand.

A few weeks ago, my mom said that a little girl came to our door with a lost golden retriever on a leash. The girl asked if it was our dog. My mom sadly said no, but as she looked to see if the collar had a name/address on it, she noticed that the dogs name was Tucker...(if that wasn't a sign to get a new puppy, I don't know what is). When I see a dog that looks like Tucker, I always think that he should know me and come up to greet me like he used to.

I am not quite sure what it is that I miss about a dog. The company, the pillow, the foot warmer, the left-over disposal, the walking partner, the protector, the newspaper fetcher, the alarm clock, the door greeter, the non-judgemental listener, the shower licker, the vacuum, that friend that never talks back, but always makes you feel like everything will be okay.

 A dog and the owner's connection is virtually unknown in human relationships because it is wordless. It's not always easy and it sometimes starts out frustrating--yet it's a love that has no less of a value, just because one of the partners walk on four legs.

Before you get a dog you can't quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can't imagine living any other way.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Let's talk Love.

"Once upon a time..." & "They lived happily ever after." Two phrases that everyone relates to love. Sadly, these days the second phrase "they lived happily ever after" is changing to "and they lived kind of happy for a few months/years then got a divorce." Doesn't quite have the ring to it now does it?

Every day on Facebook there is someone "now in a relationship...or so and so is now single." 

A friend and I were talking and I said "well they aren't facebook official...." Then we started to laugh because what does that even mean? People say the three word phrase of "I love you" after 2 weeks of dating now a days.....Something that is supposed to be so special.

I have been absolutely blessed with inspiring role models in my life. My mom's parents have been married almost 60 years and my dad's parents will be celebrating their 50th anniversary this summer. My parents also will be married 26 years this year! My aunts and uncles also follow the trend, most being married 20 plus years.When I think about that....it comforts me. It shows that it's possible. No, I didn't say easy. I said possible. Love can last.

Everyone has a purpose. If everything went perfect, the world would be boring. Being in love means being patient, learning from arguments, being honest with each other, leaning on eachother when things get rough, giving each other space when space is needed, and teaching eachother to laugh along the way.

One of my favorite movies is "The Notebook" and what Noah says is perfect:

"It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day."

Not only is it beautiful because Ryan Goseling says it....but because it's what true love entails & who doesn't want to hear those words. Just think, 50 years...... FIFTY. With the same person. & the best part is, my grandpa still makes my grandma laugh & holds the door for her. Just think of everything that happens in fifty years....and then think about going through it with your best friend.

Everyone of you reading this, is already a Cinderella/Prince and I have faith that your story will end: "And they lived happily ever after."  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Today I over heard a girl talking about how she wants to switch majors (her's is education) because she's never going to get paid enough and her time will be wasted. Personally, I think that if that is the attitude she is going in with...she should switch. Being a teacher isn't about the pay or the "benefits". It's about the love for children. It's about going to class with a positive attitude, to shape children's future and see them grow. I do find myself thinking...man, I'm gonna have to marry rich to survive, but then I remember that life isn't all about money, but more importantly about doing what makes you happy. I have numerous projects from elementary school that say "When I grow up...I want to be a teacher." Now I can say, I'm conquering a dream.

Which brings me to my next point. If it wasn't for God giving us different hobbies, interests, and abilities the world would be a boring place. People say..."ah, I don't know how you want to be a teacher..." well I could say "ah, how can you want to work in an office every day." Thank God we all have different views. Imagine if no one wanted to be a doctor, or if only one person had an interest in engineering. The world would stop functioning correctly.

Being different and unique is important. Don't try to fit in with the crowd, do what makes YOU happy, you never know where it will take you until you try. I strongly believe that the happiest people don't have loads of money (although, who wouldn't be happy winning the lottery)...the happiest people are doing things that make them feel like they are making a difference and doing what they love each day--whether it be painting, listening, fixing trucks, reading books. Being low on cash inspires people to be creative, to be resourceful, and to truly appreciate everything that they have. Think about what you are good at, and use it. It's special and not everyone can do it. The world will thank you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stop comparing. You are BEAUTIFUL!

How much do you weigh? Now pause. How did you react? This question is highly avoided. It's a number that most women subtract from, while some men add to, to seem "more masculine." Isn't it funny how everyone is labeled and put into categories based on looks alone. "did you see that girl with all that acne?" or "look at that red head." Before ever speaking, we as humans, pass judgement and I am not innocent myself.

Last week, in one of my classes, the girl I sit by said she was feeling very light headed and sick. So, today when we sat down I asked her how she was feeling. "Oh, it was just these new diet pills I'm on, I didn't eat with them because I didn't realize you had to." It instantly made me sad. & here I was eating a cookie. This beautiful girl is already tiny, yet she sees somebody else in the mirror. Who do you see in the mirror? There is a website that I really love and it's called operationbeautiful.com you should visit it.

Also, today on the news, a mom who is in the hospital after losing her legs while protecting her kids from a tornado talked about beauty. Before this she had cared more about her hair and clothes than taking the time to enjoy the simple things like family time and interacting with her children. After going through this, she realized what was important. That made me think.

 Yesterday, I had to go to a meeting and didn't feel like putting on make-up. To be honest, I walked in a little anxious about my looks and the first thing the girl next to me said was "you have really pretty eyes." That was so powerful and an "ah huh" moment. What an amazing compliment. Here I was thinking about the pimple on my chin, when this girl proved to me, I was only focused on the negatives. Which leads me to say, never hesitate to give a compliment. In today's world, insecurity is everywhere and that one positive can change someone's day or maybe even life. Sometimes we need that push to prove to ourselves we are beautiful/handsome. I challenge you to give out 1 compliment a day. Why hide it? I find that making others happy, brings happiness to my life too. Think about it.