Sunday, June 1, 2014

You are whole.

I believe that there is more to life than what we see. I believe that all of us are constantly searching for that thing that "completes" us, and we all have a different perspective of what that "thing" might be. Yet, I also believe that everyone right now is person or place can be our "other half". The people, things, and places that make us happy aren't "completing" us, they are simply adding to our wholeness.

To make more sense of this, I'll give you an example. I'm assuming at one point in your life you've thought something like "If I could lose 20 pounds...THEN I'd be happy," but once those twenty pounds come off (I say it like it's just that easy), we find that we still aren't completely "happy" so, we instantly search for something new to "achieve". I'm not saying this is a bad thing, in fact, it's great that we are always setting new goals and giving ourselves new experiences, but what does "happy" really feel like? Is it that $100,000 or that new pair of shoes? The funny thing is, we're always going to have obstacles, and as humans we're always going to have struggles...even when we get that new pair of shoes.

I recently went to a church service and the speaker talked about how our hearts are hardwired for relationships, but our lives are hardwired for struggle. Which basically comes down to, we are all here on this Earth to help each other over come struggles and to learn from each other while creating relationships and coming closer together. It's always been a comforting thought to me that all of us (all 7 billion) are going through similar things, just in different forms. That's what makes life fun! Learning and teaching each other things. (But that's a whole other topic).

Many people think that what "completes" them is another person. For example, many girls mope around thinking that they won't be completely happy until they meet someone that "completes them". I'm sorry girls, but if this is your state of mind, you will never be completely happy.You are whole. Right now. And relationships aren't about "completing" each other. They are about two whole/happy people coming together to learn from each other and to create this union of even more happiness. Of course, there will be ups and downs, but that is when you learn the most and help each other learn how to be better people.

It's a hard lesson to learn to just be content and find joy in every situation. I recently read a quote that said, "Believe that everything is rigged in our favor; the Universe is for you".

So, even when your heart aches and situations are difficult, the universe is on your side. Wouldn't the world be a happier place if we all tried to keep that perspective on a daily basis?

With that said, I think this world has become so wrapped up in judging others and thinking that their way is the only right way to live correctly. I find this so sad. Who's to say my way is right? Who's to say their way is wrong? Do what makes you happy. I can't say that enough. Do what brings joy to you, but always do these things in love and with love.

As some of you know, I am an avid "Super Soul Sunday" fan, and if you haven't seen the show, I highly recommend it and will share the link below. In the latest episode a woman was on talking about this same topic and some of what I wrote about relates to the episode so, if you have some time take a peek! (Especially the ladies).

On a side note, I highly recommend trying to find time to do what you really and truly love at least once a week. For me, I love to be outdoors, in my Dad's boat, reading a book, while soaking up the beauty and noises around me.


What's your happy place?

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