Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Thanks Dad!

When is the last time you "untagged" yourself in a photo because you didn't like the way you looked?

Well, this happened to me the other day...I saw the picture and my initial thought was "eww untag". I guess one of the main reasons I didn't like the photo was because....and it sounds funny...I didn't like how my nose looked.

Why is it that we can hate a picture of ourselves and then have some people comment and say how beautiful we are and have 20 likes?

Which got me thinking...

Everyone of us is unique. Everyone of us has things we don't particularly care for about ourselves, but guess what? It's what makes us.....us.

For instance, the picture I was talking about earlier....you "nose" which one I'm talking about? ;)

Instead of thinking "gross why does my nose look like that?" I should have been proud because I have my Dad's nose. Ever since I was little people have commented that I have my Dad's nose and my brother has my Mom's nose. If you stop and think about it, how cool is that? How special and unique is that? No, my nose may not look like Jennifer Aniston's and the camera may not always catch it's best side, but this nose is special. In a way, it tells a story.

Now you may be thinking....wow, she must be low on topics because she's writing a blog about a nose... :) But just think about it...what makes you special? What do you have that tells a story? Below I'm going to list a few more things that makes me....me, and I hope that it inspires you to never untag yourself because of something so silly. How boring would it be if everyone looked the same anyways? & to this day I am simply amazed at how EVERYONE in this world looks different in some way or another. Embrace your story!

1. Dad's nose
2. Mom's blue eyes
3. Grandma Seichter's soft hands