What is terrible, stupid, and potentially harmful? Jealousy. Whether or not we like to admit it, we all have experienced this feeling. Whether it is because of someone's adorable new hair cut, or someone looking at your man a little too long.
Especially this time of the year, jealousy sky rockets...at least for me. Everyone is showing off their swim suit bods and their goddess tan. If you're anything like me, you see that the swim suit section is out at Target and you want to turn the other way.
The thing that takes us longer to realize, is that we are perfect the way that we are. There will always be someone we think is prettier, taller, smarter, funnier.... But if we have confidence in our strengths....jealousy will come and go quite quickly.
I think it's human nature to compare. At preschool we spent a whole week with "comparing" as our theme. Of course, not comparing the children, but experimenting with bigger, smaller, taller & shorter...
If we put as much effort into thinking positively as we did into comparing and becoming jealous, we would have crazy big egos. Let's make it a goal this summer, to shift our thoughts. Each morning pick out one thing you love about yourself and always remember to complement others...after all, we all have insecurities.
& remember...when you are looking at someone thinking "Gosh, I love her dress...." that same person might be looking at you thinking..."I wish I had her eyes...."
We all are beautiful. handsome. cute. adorable. sexy.
It's up to us to enhance the positive, think positive, and embrace the positive. Like Dr. Seuss says....
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
Now go out & enjoy the life, body, and self that you were blessed with!